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Choose an Auspicious Date for Caesarian Birth

Select Birthday, Select Birth Hour, and Select Balanced Five Elements

Fortune Angel Suggestion

We provide a service to help people to select an auspicious day for the Caesarian Birth here. We want to mention again that our first suggestion to you is to let your baby and doctor decide the day. If you insist to find a lucky day for Caesarian Birth using the analysis from Chinese astrology, then read the following to understand our approach.

Chinese Five Elements Astrology

The software looks 30 days around the baby's due day and finds the days of better communication and higher personality compatibility between the baby and the parent. After finding the Caesarian Birth Day, you have the choice to select the birth hour for the Caesarian Section.

The relationships among birthday, birth month, and birth hour are related to the baby's compatibility relationship with the baby's parents, relatives, marriage, and immediate family. The software tells you how to avoid those conflict relationships in the baby's birth chart when selecting the birthday and birth hour.

Before doing the final decision, you can check if the baby's birth chart has any missing element or an overweight element or not. If you can find a better balance Five Element birth chart for your baby, then it will have a healthier body and better luck in his or her life. See Sample Report

Paid Service - Caesarian Birth Day Report

This software service is not free. Since the software has to do 30-day Chinese astrology birth chart calculations and another calculation for different birth hours and different Five Element Weight Charts, we ask for a US$30 service fee to balance the cost of our computer server usage and customer support.


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