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Five Elements Weights 15 Days

Today is Saturday, July 27, 2024, which is a Black Water Dragon day according to the Chinese Stem-Branch calendar. The weights of Five Elements appearing in the yearly, monthly, and daily cycles are for balancing your Five Elements in the Chinese astrology birth chart. We use this theory to predict people's fortune.

To find your Five Elements and Lucky Element is from Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology. Below is the listing of the Five Elements weights for the next 15 days.

Five Elements Weights of Daily Zodiac Signs

Date Stem & Branch Metal Water Wood Fire Earth
7/27/2024WaterDragonBlack WaterDragon0339018
7/28/2024WaterSnakeBlack WaterSnake7300167
7/29/2024WoodHorseGreen WoodHorse00302010
7/30/2024WoodSheepGreen WoodSheep0033918
7/31/2024FireMonkeyRed FireMonkey1670307
8/1/2024FireChickenRed FireChicken3000300
8/2/2024EarthDogBrown EarthDog900348
8/3/2024EarthPigBrown EarthPig02010030
8/4/2024MetalRatWhite MetalRat3030000
8/5/2024MetalCowWhite MetalCow3390018
8/6/2024WaterTigerBlack WaterTiger0301677
8/7/2024WaterRabbitBlack WaterRabbit0303000
8/8/2024WoodDragonGreen WoodDragon0339018
8/9/2024WoodSnakeGreen WoodSnake7030167
8/10/2024FireHorseRed FireHorse0005010

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