Chinese Horoscope of Tiger Woods Baby Girl Sam Alexis

The Chinese Astrology Major Cycles Chart of Sam Alexis Woods

According to the Tiger Woods official website, baby girl Sam Alexis was born early Monday morning on June 18, 2007. We guess Sam's birth time should be between 4:00 AM to 8:00 AM. We assume the birth time of Sam Woods was around 6:00 AM Pacific standard time. The following is her Chinese astrology birth chart.

We will discuss if the birth time before 5:00 AM and after 7:00 AM in the end of 10-God Birth Chart page.
(Note: Chinese astrology uses standard time, not daylight saving time)

Sam's Chinese Astrology Birth Chart

The birth hour is after 5:00 a.m. Standard time.
Day Master is Female Water , which represents Sam.
Rabbit is Wood; Sheep is Earth; Horse contains Fire and Earth.
Pig is Water, but
Pig, Sheep and Rabbit together form a strong force of Wood.
There is no mother element (Metal) in the birth chart.
Day Master is very weak.
Chinese astrology calls this type of the birth chart an Extremely Weak case.

The Five Element Scores

Sam's birth chart is a special case in Chinese astrology theory.
 The scoring method cannot apply on Sam's birth chart,
because the scores of Wood, Fire and Earth are too high to balance.
Elements of Mom and Self are in the same side. Elements of Earth, Fire and Wood are the enemy.
Wood and Fire (mom and self) are too weak to fight against Metal and Earth (enemy).
If one cannot fight the enemy, then the one should join them.
Therefore, Fire, Earth and Wood are the lucky elements.
Lucky elements are everywhere in her birth chart. Sam is a very lucky girl.

Wood represents fame to Sam's. Fire represents money.
Strong Wood, Fire and Earth are in the birth chart.
That means Sam's will deal with fame, money and career (or men) a lot in her life.

Tom Cruise's baby girl Suri has a special birth chart too.

The Life Balance Chart in this website cannot be applied on Sam's special birth chart.
 The above Major Cycle Chart shows that Sam's was born rich.
Note: this chart is from Chinese Fortune Angel Astrology software.

More details are in
The Chinese Astrology 10-God Birth Chart of Sam Woods

The Birth Chart of The Daughter of Tom Cruise

The Birth Chart of The First Son of Britney Spears

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 tells your lucky elements and lucky animals