Get on new job Find a Job? Relocation?

Tell you where and when

To find a job quick, you must know your Five Elements (metal, water, wood, fire and soil) and what's your lucky element from Chinese Fortune-Telling Calendar first. Then you need to make sure that this year is your lucky year and the month is in your lucky season. If this year is not your lucky year, you need to wait for your lucky season (months).

  • If your lucky element is Metal, your lucky place is in the West of your current living place. Make the interview time is in the afternoon. You should wear in white or something light.

  • If your lucky element is Water, your lucky place is in the North of your current living place. Make the interview time is not at noon. You should wear in black or dark color.

All the hints come from the following Five-Element Chart.

5 elements Metal Water Wood Fire Earth (Soil)
Lunar Month of Monkey Rat Tiger Horse Dragon, Dog
Lunar Month of Hen Hog Rabbit Snake Cow, Sheep
Color White (Golden) Black Green Red Brown
Seasons Fall Winter Spring Summer Between Seasons
Directions West North (cold) East South (hot) Center

If you got two jobs offered, one is in the north and the other one is in the south. If your lucky element is Water, then you should go to the one in the north. Everything will go smoothly in the north.

Degree If you just graduated from school. What kind of job shall you looking for?

  • If your lucky element is Water, you should look for jobs something to do with Water (dark, night, cold, liquid etc.).

  • If your lucky element is Fire, you should look for jobs something to do with Fire (hot, heat, red etc.).

More information about the lucky elements are in the Lucky Elements and Your Daily Life page.

The last and most important thing is "Do I have job opportunity this year?".

There are many ways to find out the hint. Here shows you one way. First, you need to study your five-element weights again from Chinese Fortune-Telling Calendar.

Five-element weights

  • If  (mom)+(you) >> (money)+(job) and you find (money) or (job) elements in this year, you have job opportunity this year.
  • If  (mom)+(you) << (money)+(job), you always have a lot of pressure on your job or living. You need more courage and determination to overcome the job pressure. Therefore, the job opportunity comes only when you find (mom) and (you) elements appear in year's five elements.